
Attendance control at away games

Since the 2018/2019 season, there have been regulations regarding attendance checks at away matches. This guide summarises everything you need to know about this topic. 

On match days, the Fan Affairs department will carry out attendance checks on site, during which an official photo ID must be presented. The checks can be viewed in the online account at under ‘Request history & points quota’ in the respective detailed view. 
As an additional service, all persons to be checked will receive an e-mail with the necessary information shortly beforehand - however, the entry in the online account is always decisive. 

Cancellations of attendance checks will be penalised with a deduction of two points. In the event of unexcused non-attendance at the attendance check, the member will still be deducted four points. 

Furthermore, cancellations by e-mail will not be accepted. Cancellations can only be made via the ‘Cancellation’ button in the detailed view of the ticket request on This is possible until kick-off of the respective match. Cancellations can be carried out either by yourself or by the main purchaser.

To ensure that a deregistration from the attendance check for main and/or co-orderers is not carried out inadvertently, a query is displayed once again, with which the deregistration must be confirmed.   It is important to ensure that the confirmation of cancellation is displayed. Four points will be deducted from the away points account in the event of a no-show without a corresponding cancellation.  

In addition, the familiar rules continue to apply: Members who violate the concept of fair play will be sanctioned with individual point deductions, depending on the situation. 

S04 reserves the right to invite non-members to attendance checks in individual cases. 

If a member has missed an attendance check but was present, they can document their attendance afterwards. All personalised and clear receipts (e.g. train tickets, hotel bills, etc.) or photos of the member from the stadium in conjunction with a copy of their ID are valid as proof. Not valid are e.g. petrol receipts, statements from third parties, etc.  

Questions about away tickets and the points system are answered in the FAQ